Uzņēmējdarbības Globālais Monitorings (GEM) (Kopš 2006)
Uzņēmējdarbības Globālais monitorings ir ikgadējs uzņēmējdarbības aktivitātes un attīstības apsekojums.
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is a major international project aimed at describing and analyzing the entrepreneurial activities in a wide range of countries. Hence, the Latvian GEM displays the Latvian entrepreneurship in an international context. Latvia is one of 69 countries, which participated in the 2018 round of GEM. The Report has been written by Marija Krumina, the leader of the GEM team in Latvia. The research was generously funded by TeliaSonera through the TeliaSonera Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. We believe that you will find the Latvian Report interesting and that it will contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the factors influencing entrepreneurial activity in Latvia. If you have any questions on the Report and its findings, please contact the research leader Marija Krumina, marija[at]biceps.org
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Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2015 / 2018 Read more | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014 / 2015 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2013 / 2014 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2012 / 2013 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2010 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2009 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju Lejupielādēt latvisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2008 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju Lejupielādēt latvisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2007 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju Lejupielādēt latvisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2006 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju Lejupielādēt latvisko versiju |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2005 | Lejupielādēt anglisko versiju Lejupielādēt latvisko versiju |