Kalev Aasmäe
Jaunākais pētnieciskās grupas loceklis | Baltijas Starptautiskas Ekonomikas Politikas Studiju Centrs
- PhD student in Anthropology, Tallinn University, since September 2018;
- MSc in Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, November 2016;
- MA in Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology, University of Tartu, June 2015.
Kalev Aasmäe us a Junior Research/Teaching Fellow at BICEPS and SSE Riga since 2019. He is a doctoral degree candidate at Tallinn University, Estonia. His dissertation topic is “The Role of Reciprocity and Exchange of Material Objects in Maintaining the Unity of a Squatter Community and in Increasing the Squatter Capital of the Community´s Members”. His primary research interests are Economic Anthropology, Community building, and Urban Space.
Phone: (+372) 5653066
E-mail: kalev.aasmae[at]sseriga.edu