Institution: Rīgas Ekonomikas Augstskola
Arnis Sauka
Dr. Arnis Sauka is Research Associate at BICEPS, Associate Professor at SSE Riga and the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Business at SSE Riga. He has a PhD from the University of Siegen (Germany) and has been a Visiting Scholar at Jönköping International Business School (Sweden) and University College London (U.K.). Arnis main research interests include the shadow economy, productive and unproductive entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship policy making and competitiveness, and entrepreneurship development in a transition context. Drawing on his academic work that have been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals and books and presented at numerous European and North American conferences, he has also been extensively involved in applied research. This has included contracted reports for the OECD and Eurofound as well as for various industry associations and NGOs in Latvia and other countries. Arnis Sauka is co- author of the annual Shadow Economy Index for the Baltic Countries (with Prof. Tālis J. Putniņš, since 2009) and he has participated in and managed various EU-funded international projects. Arnis has also been involved in management and consultancy activities, including working as Vice Rector for Studies and Research at Ventspils University College (2011-2013), a board member of the NGO BASE (Business Against the Shadow Economy) (since 2015), and a senior consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers (2008). From 2011-2014 he was Advisor to the Minister of Health on Financial and Economic Issues. Arnis is also an Expert in Management Science and an Expert in Economics at the Latvian Council for Science (2011-2014; 2014-2017) as well as a member of the promotion committee of the doctoral programme implemented by the BA School of Business and Finance and RISEBA University.
Phone: (+371) 67015827
E-mail: arnis.sauka[at]
Morten Hansen
- Monetārā politika
- ES ekonomika
- Izglītības ekonomika
- Reģionālās atšķirības
Morten Hansen ir Rīgas Ekonomikas augstskolas Ekonomikas departamenta vadītājs, Latvijas Eiropas Kopienas Studiju asociācijas (LECSA) viceprezidents, BICEPS asociētais pētnieks un Latvijas Universitātes Eiropas un Sabiedrības attīstības studiju akadēmiskā centra (CETS) pētnieciskās grupas loceklis. Iepriekš viņš cieši sadarbojās ar Latvijas Universitātes Eirofakultāti, un Latvijā dzīvo jau kopš 1994. gada. Viņam ir maģistra grāds ekonomikā ar specializāciju ekonometrijā, kuru viņš ieguvis Aarhus Universitātē, Dānijā.
Telefons: (+371) 67015852
E-pasts: morten.hansen[at]
Dmitrijs Kravčenko
E-pasts: dmitrijs.kravcenko[at]
Tālis Putniņš
- Ph.D. in economics, University of Sydney (2010)
- Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours, University of Adelaide (2005)
- Bachelor of Finance, University of Adelaide (2005)
Research interests:
- Financial market microstructure, including market manipulation, insider trading, liquidity, price discovery, short selling, dark trading, high-frequency trading
- Shadow economies
- Asset pricing
Talis Putnins is a research associate at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies. His research interests include financial market integrity, market manipulation, short selling, partial detection modelling and topics in market microstructure. He actively presents his research at international conferences and universities in Europe, Australia, Asia and the US.
E-mail: talis.putnins[at]
Kata Fredheim
Kata is Research Associate at BICEPS and Assistant Professor at SSE Riga. Dr Kata Fredheim is a social anthropologist. Her research is on migration, internationalization of higher education and Brexit. Her early research and PhD explored the social and economic effects of migration looking at the role of creative industries and entrepreneurs. She investigated how entrepreneurs (first, second and third generation migrants) in cultural and creative industries simultaneously represent and challenge discourses of cultural diversity. Her later work focused on building research-based strategy and policy advice on Brexit. She investigated the Brexit’s impact on migrants in education and research.
E-mail: kata.fredheim[at]
Zane Vārpiņa
- Augstākā izglītība
- Demogrāfija
- Darba tirgus
- Demogrāfijas doktora grāds, Latvijas Universitāte
- Starp-universitāšu diploms ES studijās, Nansijas Universitāte II, Ex-en- Provences Politoloģijas Institūts, 2004. gada jūnijā
- Maģistra zinātniskais grāds matemātiskajā ekonomikā, Latvijas Universitāte, 2003. gada jūnijā
- Bakalaura zinātniskais grāds analītiskajā ekonomikā, Latvijas Universitāte, 2001. gada jūnijā
Telefons: (+371) 67015828
E-pasts: zane.varpina[at]
Dominik Gerber
E-pasts: dominik.gerber[at]
Anders Paalzow
Anders Paalzow ir Rīgas Ekonomikas augstskolas rektors un BICEPS valdes priekšsēdētāja amatā ir jau kopš 2003. gada. Viņa galvenās izpētes jomas ir: makroekonomika, ekonomiskā izaugsme, valsts parāds, reģionālā attīstība un sacīkšu derību ekonomika.
- Makroekonomika, ekonomikas izaugsme
- Konkurētspēja
- Uzņēmējdarbība
- Makroekonomika
- Valsts parāds
- Reģionālā attīstība
- Doktora grāds ekonomikā, Stokholmas Ekonomikas augstskola
- Bakalaura grāds ekonomikā un biznesa administrācijā, Stokholmas Ekonomikas augstskola
Telefons: (+371) 67015801
E-pasts: anders.paalzow[at]