Conference 2017: Program
The academic conference “Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions” will take place on May 11 – 13, 2017 at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga). The program of the conference is now available. Click here for more information about the conference.
Day 1, Thursday May 11, 2017
Opening of the conference
Soros auditorium
Anders Paalzow, Rector of SSE Riga and director of BICEPS
Keynote address
Soros auditorium
Paul Radu, OCCRP
The Global Financial Infrastructure of Corruption and Disinformation
Chair: Inga Spriņģe (Re:Baltica)
SSE Riga lobby
Parallel session 1*
Room: 303
Room: 311
Parallel session 1.1
Room 303
Lucia Rizzica, Bank of Italy
Tommaso Giommoni, Bocconi University
Exposition to Corruption and Political Participation: Evidence from Italian Municipalities
Pilar Sorribas‐Navarro, University of Barcelona & IEB
Parallel session 1.2
Room 311
Koen Schoors, Ghent University
Measuring revealed corruption with administrative data: Evidence from Russia
Gaygysyz Ashyrov, University of Tartu
Individual Attitudes Toward Political and Economic Systems and Impacts on Perceived Corruption: Econometric Analysis from A Cross-Country Household Survey
Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1
Perception vs. Experience: Explaining Differences in Corruption Measures Using Microdata
SSE Riga lobby
Parallel session 2*
Room: 303
Room: 311
Parallel session 2.1
Room 303
Katerina Gradeva, European Central Bank
VAT Fraud in Intra-EU Trade
Irakli Barbakadze, PMC RC & BICEPS
The Effect of Participation in Shadow Economy on Firms’ Growth: Case of Latvian Firms
Andreea Minea, SciencesPo
Parallel session 2.2
Room 311
Tommaso Orlando, Bank of Italy
Corruption and skills selection and allocation in the Public Sector
Sumeyra Atmaca, Ghent University
Giancarlo Spagnolo, SITE
Motivating Wistleblowers
Day 2, Friday May 12, 2017
Parallel session 3*
Room: 303
Room: 311
Parallel session 3.1
Room 303
Anna Zasova, BICEPS
Tying benefits to earnings when tax evasion is high
Alari Paulus, University of Essex & Praxis
Mihails Hazans, University of Latvia & IZA
Parallel session 3.2
Room 311
Gilbert Mbara, University of Warsaw
Marta Troya Martinez, New Economic School
Gilles Dufrenot, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Power-law distribution in the external debt-to-fiscal revenue ratio: empirical evidence and a theoretical model
SSE Riga lobby
Plenary session 1*
Soros auditorium
Zareh Asatryan, ZEW Mannheim
Lucia Rizzica, Bank of Italy
The Real Effects of ’Ndrangheta: Firm-level evidence
Giancarlo Spagnolo, SITE
Leniency, Asymmetric Punishment and Corruption Evidence from China – VIDEO
Chair: Marc Sangnier (Aix-Marseille School of Economics)
Buffet lunch
SSE Riga lobby
15:30 – 16:45
Keynote address – Alf Vanags Memorial Lecture
Soros auditorium
Erik Berglöf (LSE) with an introduction by Charles Chinedu Okeahalam (AGH Capital)
Avoiding the Middle Income Trap – Industrial Policy and State Capacity – VIDEO
Chair: Torbjörn Becker (SITE)
SSE Riga lobby
17:00 – 18:30
Panel discussion
Soros auditorium
Erik Berglöf, LSE
Petra Blum, Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Charles Chinedu Okeahalam, AGH Capital
Grace Perez-Navarro, OECD
Paul Radu, OCCRP
Moderator: Yuri Romanenkov (SSE Riga)
Day 3, Saturday May 13, 2017
Plenary session 2*
Soros auditorium
Gianmarco Daniele, Barcelona Economic Institute & University of Barcelona
Do politicians react to a big scandal? – VIDEO
Marc Sangnier, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Michele Valsecchi, University of Gothenburg
Corrupt Bureaucrats: The Response of Non-Elected Officials to Electoral Accountability – VIDEO
Chair: Jesper Roine (SITE)
SSE Riga lobby
Keynote address
Soros auditorium
Konstantin Sonin, University of Chicago
Chair: Olesya Shmagun (OCCRP)
Closing of the conference
Soros auditorium
Anders Paalzow, SSE Riga & BICEPS
* Each presentation is 25 minutes, followed by a 10-minutes discussion