Tag: The 2nd conference “Corruption
Alf Vanags memorial lecture 2021

Watch Alf Vanags memorial lecture 2021 and the keynote address by Ruben Enikolopov (New Economic School), “Tax Evasion of Politically Connected Firms”, at the 2nd conference “Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions”.
Program of the 2nd conference “Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions” is now available

2nd conference “Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions” will take place on May 27-28, 2021. The conference will be held online. Program of the conference is now available. Read more about the conference.
Programme of the 2nd conference “Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions”
11:00 – 11:10 | Conference opening
Anders Paalzow, Rector of SSE Riga and director of BICEPS |
11:15 – 12:15 | Session 1 |
Chair: Marc Sangnier (University of Namur)
Betrayed by the Elites: How Corruption Amplifies the Political Effects of Recessions Carlos Sanz (Bank of Spain), Albert Solé-Ollé, Pilar Sorribas-Navarro Polarized Social Norms Against Corruption: A Social Media Experiment in India Jun Goto (Kobe University), Takashi Kurosaki, Yuko Mori |
12:30 – 13:30 | Session 2 |
Chair: Pilar Sorribas-Navarro (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)
Corruption under Austerity Tommaso Giommoni (ETH Zurich), Gianmarco Daniele Interest Groups’ Contributions, Political Selection and the Quality Incumbency Advantage: Evidence from Brazil Julieta Peveri (Aix-Marseille University) |
14:30 – 15:30 | Session 3 |
Chair: Zareh Asatryan (ZEW, Mannheim)
Tax Evasion and the Minimum Wage Anikó Bíró (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies), Dániel Prinz, László Sándor What we pay in the shadow: Labor tax evasion, minimum wage hike and employment Nicolas Gavoille (SSE Riga), Anna Zasova |
15:45 – 16:45 | Session 4 |
Chair: Audinga Baltrunaite (Bank of Italy)
VAT Rates and Tax Evasion: Evidence from the Restaurant Industry in Greece Nikolaos Artavanis (Virginia Polytechnic and State University) Monitoring the Monitors: Auditors, Corporate Theft, and Corruption Maxim Mironov (IE Business School) |
17:00 – 18:00 | Keynote I: Linda Larsson Kakuli (Sveriges Television, SVT)
Title: Data analysis and in-depth investigations – two crucial factors to detect suspected money laundering Chair: Nicolas Gavoille (SSE Riga, BICEPS) |
Day 2, Friday, May 28, 2021, Riga time (CET + 1)
11:15 – 12:15 | Session 5 |
Chair: Boris Ginsburg (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Crony Capitalism as an Electoral Outcome Dmitry Veselov (HSE University) Brains and Muscles? A Political Economy of Tax Evasion Alberto Parmigiani (London School of Economics), Arduino Tomasi |
12:30 – 13:30 | Session 6 |
Chair: Mihails Hazans (University of Latvia)
Size, heterogeneity and distributional effects of self-employment income tax evasion in Italy Francesco Figari (University of Insubria), Martina Bazzoli, Paolo Di Caro, Carlo V. Fiorio, Marco Manzo Million Dollar Baby: Should Parental Benefits Depend on Wages When the Payroll Tax Evasion is Present? Vitalijs Jascisens (HSE University), Anna Zasova |
14:30 – 15:30 | Session 7 |
Chair: Anna Zasova (BICEPS)
Inter-temporal Shifting of Corporate Income: Evidence from Administrative Tax Return Data Ján Palguta (Carlos III University of Madrid), Jaroslav Bukovina, Tomáš Lichard, Branislav Žúdel The Indirect Effect of Import Competition on Corporate Tax Avoidance Baptiste Souillard (Université Libre de Bruxelles and ECARES) |
15:45 – 16:45 | Session 8 |
Chair: Anders Olofsgård (SITE, Stockholm School of Economics)
Why Governments Grow “Lemons” in the Market for Technology Natalia Lamberova (Georgia Tech) The impact of Presidential appointment of judges: Montesquieu or the Federalists? Sultan Mehmood (New Economic School) |
17:00 – 18:00 | Keynote II: Ruben Enikolopov (New Economic School), Alf Vanags memorial lecture
Title: Tax Evasion of Politically Connected Firms Chair: Nicolas Gavoille (SSE Riga, BICEPS) |
18:00 – 18:15 | Closing remarks – Anders Paalzow, Rector of SSE Riga and director of BICEPS |
Call for papers for the 2nd conference “Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions” is now open

The conference will take place on 1-2 October, 2020, at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga), following the initial event that took place in May 2017 (see the 2017 conference program here). The conference aims to promote and diffuse high quality economic research on the mechanisms driving corruption and tax evasion, their relationships with institutions and their consequences on economic outcomes. Submit your papers until 14 June. More information
Alf Vanags memorial lecture 2019

Watch Alf Vanags memorial lecture by Francis Kramarz (CREST-ENSAE), “Firm-to-Firm Trade: Imports, Exports, and the Labor Market” at the Baltic Economic Conference 2019 that took place at SSE Riga on June 10-11.