Mihails Hazans

Research Associate | BICEPS


Mihails Hazans is professor at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (University of Latvia), research fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, Global Labor Organization (GLO) fellow, and research associate at BICEPS. Prof. Hazans’ current research focuses on migration, ethnic minorities, teleworking, informal employment and envelope wages. He has published on migration, commuting, economics of education, ethnic minorities, informal employment, labour supply, active labour market policies, working conditions, job search, unemployment risk, and determinants of earnings.

In 2011, Mihails Hazans received the annual “Spidola award in economics” for his research on emigration from Latvia. One of his publications has been listed by the Latvian Academy of Sciences among the top 10 achievements of Latvian science in 2012.


E-mail: mihails.hazans[at]lu.lv