Konstantīns Beņkovskis
Asociētais pētnieks | Baltijas Starptautiskas Ekonomikas Politikas Studiju Centrs
Dr. oec., University of Latvia, branch – economics, subbranch – econometrics
Research interests:
- International trade
- Global Value Chains (GVC)
- productivity and resource allocation
- CGE modelling
Konstantins Benkovskis got a PhD in Economics from the University of Latvia in 2006. His current research activities focus in studies of international trade, non-price competitiveness, and global value chains. Konstantins Benkovskis combines lecturing at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga with an adviser position in the Monetary Policy Department of the Bank of Latvia. He is also the active member of the ESCB Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet).
Phone: (+371) 67015810
E-mal: konstantins.benkovskis[at]sseriga.edu