SSE Riga/BICEPS Izpētes raksti

SSE Riga/BICEPS Research papers sērijā tiek publicēti akadēmiskie pētījumi (working papers).

SSE Riga/BICEPS Occasional papers sērijā tiek publicēti ekonomiskās politikas analīzei veltīti raksti (working papers).

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Iepriekšējās Izpētes rakstu sērijas publikācijas:

Nosaukums Autori
No. 10: Back For Business: The Link Between Foreign Experience and Entrepreneurial Activity in Latvia Z. Varpina (SSE Riga, BICEPS), M. Krumina (BICEPS), K. Fredheim (SSE Riga, BICEPS), A. Paalzow (SSE Riga, BICEPS), 2022
No. 9: Million Dollar Baby: Should Parental Benefits Depend on Wages When Payroll Tax Evasion is Present? V. Jascisens (HSE University), A. Zasova (BICEPS), 2021
No. 8: Foreign Ownership and Labor Tax Evasion: Evidence from Latvia N. Gavoille (SSE Riga, BICEPS), A. Zasova (BICEPS), 2021
No. 7: Minimum Wage Spike and Income Underreporting: a Back-of-the-Envelope-Wage Analysis N. Gavoille (SSE Riga, BICEPS), A. Zasova (BICEPS), 2021
No. 6: What we pay in the shadows: Labor tax evasion, minimum wage hike and employment N. Gavoille (SSE Riga), A. Zasova (BICEPS), 2021
No. 5: Capital Controls and Electoral Cycles N. Gavoille (SSE Riga), K. Hofer (Swiss Institute for Empirical Research, University of St.Gallen), 2018
No. 4: Wage rigidity and workers’ flows during recessions A. Pajuste (SSE Riga), H. Ruffo (UTDT), 2017
No. 3: Do Political Connections Matter? Firm-Level Evidence from Latvia V. Dombrovsky (BICEPS, SSE Riga), 2008
No. 2: Campaign Contributions and Firm Performance: The “Latvian Way” V. Dombrovsky (BICEPS, SSE Riga), 2008
No. 1: Smoking in Russia: Estimating the Benefits of Reduced Prevalence A. Vanags, Z. Cunska (BICEPS), 2007
No. 2006/2: The Role of Personal and Family Background in Making Entrepreneurs in a Post-Socialist Environment V. Dombrovsky (BICEPS, SSE Riga), F. Welter (University of Siegen, RWI-Essen, SSE Riga), 2006
No. 2006/1: Access to Secondary Education in Albania: Incentives, Obstacles, and Policy Spillovers M. Hazans (BICEPS, University of Latvia), I. Trapeznikova (Northwestern University), 2006
No. 2005/1: Family Background and Schooling Outcomes Before and During the Transition: Evidence from the Baltic Countries M. Hazans (BICEPS, University of Latvia), O. Rastrigina (BICEPS), I. Trapeznikova (Northwestern University), 2005
No. 2003/2: Potential Emigration of Latvian Labour Force After Joining the EU and its Impact on Latvian Labour Market M. Hazans (BICEPS, University of Latvia), 2003
No. 2003/1: Returns to Education in the Baltic Countries M. Hazans (BICEPS, University of Latvia), 2003

Iepriekšējās Neregulāra rakstura rakstu sērijas publikācijas:

Title Authors
No. 17: Ukrainian asylum seekers in Latvia: the circumstances of destination choice Zane Varpina (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Kata Fredheim (SSE Riga, BICEPS), 2022
No. 16: The Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on migrants’ decision to return home to Latvia Zane Varpina (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Kata Fredheim (SSE Riga, BICEPS), 2022
No. 15: Mobility intentions of Latvian high-school graduates amid Covid-19 pandemic and beyond Zane Varpina (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Kata Fredheim (SSE Riga, BICEPS), 2022
No. 14: Implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on high school graduates’ plans and education path Zane Varpina (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Kata Fredheim (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Marija Krumina (BICEPS), 2022
No. 13: Who is more eager to leave? Differences in emigration intentions among Latvian and Russian speaking school graduates in Latvia Zane Varpina (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Kata Fredheim (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Marija Krumina (BICEPS), 2021
No. 12: What a manager wants: how return migrants’ experiences are valued by managers in the Baltics Zane Varpina (SSE Riga, BICEPS), Kata Fredheim (SSE Riga, BICEPS), 2021
No. 11: Distributional effects of recent benefit and tax reforms in Latvia Anna Pluta (BICEPS), Anna Zasova (BICEPS), 2018
No. 10: Latvia Stumbling Towards Progressive Income Taxation: Episode II Anna Pluta (BICEPS), Anna Zasova (BICEPS), 2017
No. 9: Post Crisis “Success” Stories? Economic Outcomes And Social Progress In Iceland And Latvia Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson (University of Akureyri), 2013
No. 8: Tax Reform in Latvia: Could it be Fair Alf Vanags (BICEPS), 2010
No. 7: Too few locally produced goods on the shelves of Latvian shops: Reality or myth? Morten Hansen (SSE Riga), Alf Vanags (BICEPS), 2009
No. 6: The Case for a Latvian Version of the Obama Broadband Package Alf Vanags (BICEPS), 2009
No. 5: Renewable Energy: Is there a Latvian Master Plan? A. Vanags, M. Kālis (BICEPS), A. Paalzow (SSE Riga), I. Indriksone, E. Balode-Buraka (RGSL), 2008
No. 4: Stagflation in Latvia: How Long, How Far, How Deep Morten Hansen (SSE Riga), Alf Vanags (BICEPS), 2008
No. 3: Competition in the Latvian and Baltic Grocery Retail Markets Anders Paalzow (SSE Riga), Alf Vanags (BICEPS), 2007
No. 2: Inflation in Latvia: Causes, Prospects and Consequences Morten Hansen (SSE Riga), Alf Vanags (BICEPS), 2007
No. 1: Inflation in the Baltic States and Other EU New Member States: Similarities, Differences and Adoption of the Euro Morten Hansen (SSE Riga), Alf Vanags (BICEPS), 2006