BICEPS/SSE Riga Research Seminar: Market Transparency Through a Common Data Platform
We are happy to invite you to a BICEPS/SSE Riga research seminar on Thursday, April 13, at 17:00 at SSE Riga, room 611.
We are delighted to welcome Chloé Le Coq as the speaker. Chloé Le Coq is Professor of Economics at Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas (CRED) and Research Fellow at the Stockholm School of Economics (SITE). She is a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board DIW Berlin and a Member of the Scientific Committee Chair ETI LAB -Mines Paris. Her research investigates topics related to antitrust policy, industrial organization, and behavioral economics, with a particular focus on energy markets and social innovation. Read more about the speaker here.
Title: Market transparency through a common data platform (with E. Lazarczyk)
Time: Thursday, April 13, 17:00
Venue: SSE Riga, room 611
This paper provides evidence of the effect of increasing market transparency on market outcomes. We focus on the introduction of the Transparency Platform operated by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) which stores data provided by each member state on physical grid conditions and generation capacities. Using detailed hourly zonal data on Nord Pool, we find evidence that increasing information does not necessarily lead to more competitive outcomes. Specifically, during periods of congestion, the impact of transparency on competition is specific to each zone. Furthermore, the effect of transparency may depend on the varying technologies that are available in different zones.