Watch the video records of the academic conference “Corruption, Tax Evasion and Institutions”, which was held in Riga, Latvia
The conference took place on May 11 – 13, 2017 at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga). Its aim was to promote and diffuse high quality economic research on the mechanisms driving corruption and tax evasion, their relationships with institutions and their consequences on economic outcomes. In addition to parallel sessions and keynote speeches, the conference hosted a panel where economic scholars exchanged their understanding of corruption and tax evasion with policy makers and leading journalists who were at the core of the Panama Papers investigations. The conference was organized by the Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga), the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and Centre for Media Studies at SSE Riga. Click to read more about the conference.
Introduction to Alf Vanags memorial lecture by Charles Chinedu Okeahalam (AGH Capital)
Alf Vanags memorial lecture by Erik Berglöf (LSE)
“Avoiding the Middle Income Trap – industrial policy and state capacity”
Keynote address by Konstantin Sonin (University of Chicago)
“Economic Transition and the Rise of Alternative Institutions”
Panel discussion
Plenary session – Zareh Asatryan, ZEW Mannheim
“Responses of Firms to Tax, Administrative and Accounting Rules: Evidence from Armenia”
Plenary session – Giancarlo Spagnolo, SITE
“Leniency, Asymmetric Punishment and Corruption Evidence from China”
Plenary session – Gianmarco Daniele, Barcelona Economic Institute & University of Barcelona
“Do politicians react to a big scandal?”
Plenary session – Marc Sangnier, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
“Political Connections and Insider Trading”
Plenary session – Michele Valsecchi, University of Gothenburg
“Corrupt Bureaucrats: The Response of Non-Elected Officials to Electoral Accountability”